Hi 👋 I'm Callum Snowden.
He / Him 🏳️‍🌈

I'm a generalist engineer with a diverse skillset and 5+ years of industry experience.

This website aims to be somewhat of a counterpart to my CV as well as to highlight some of the things I do.

My current employment encompasses the role of a Technical Specialist in Mechatronics within a large educational institution in the North West, UK.

Current skills include (but are not limited to):

  • Hardware design in KiCad
  • Mechanical design in Autodesk Inventor & Fusion 360
  • Software development for embedded and desktop systems in C++, C# and Python
  • Excellent troubleshooting and fault-finding abilities
  • System integration
  • Control panel building
  • Plumbing of fluid systems (primarily pneumatic)

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Projects I've worked on

EMF Hauler

A "go-kart" or small EV built for EMF 2024 to move me & my belongings around site. An unfortunate failure (but with future plans!) yet to be documented on my blog.


A previous work project in which I designed (hardware, RF path and mechanical design) a 4G hardware-in-loop automated test system for evaluating software changes made to a Software Designed Radio driver.

More info.


Another work project where I did hardware and software development for an environmental sensing platform using a Raspberry Pi SBC. This published metrics to the Grafana cloud platform.

More info.

Other cool people I know